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All meetings are open to the public. Baltimore CHADD meetings in Baltimore County and Howard County meetings will be cancelled if the local public school system closes schools due to inclement weather or other emergency.

CHADD Maryland Chapters, Greater Baltimore

Greater Baltimore Chapter

Parent Support Group - Northwest Baltimore


First Wednesday of every month, 8:00 - 9:15 pm

No meetings in July & August


​Register today here.

Registration in advance is required.

A Zoom link will be provided in your confirmation email. There is no fee for attendance. Confidentiality assured.  

Learn from the experience of others! A great opportunity for the curious to learn and ask questions, and for all to share experiences, advice, and strategies.

Questions? Contact Faye Friedman at, Coordinator, CHADD of Greater Baltimore or at 410-843-7589.


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Parent Support - JCC
Adult Support Group


Third Wednesday of every month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm


This is currently a Skype meeting. Please contact for a link.


These free and informal sessions are an opportunity for adults with ADHD to discuss a wide array of concerns like time management, organizational strategies family matters, and work problems. 


The general agenda for these meetings are pretty free form and based on the attendees:


  • A brief introduction of who you are

  • Any wins you want to share, issues you may be having, questions you want to ask, and anything you wish to discuss

  • Try to get through as many of the topics brought up in the intro as possible

  • Wrap-up with any final thoughts, burning questions, or something we didn’t get to that is super important


This ADHD Support Group does not endorse any product, service, publication, medication or treatment.

Questions or concerns, contact Rob at


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Adult Support- Linthicum
Parents of Adults Support Group - Lutherville


The 4th Monday of the month, 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm

There will be no meeting in July or August


This is currently a Zoom meeting. Please contact the facilitator at for login information.


Many late middle-aged and senior parents are still living with their adult children. Some of these adults are in their 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s, but have “failed to launch” or returned home (more than once) as a result of divorce, unemployment, under employment, etc.  Some never left home; others don’t live in their parent’s home, but are still dependent on them financially.


In most cases, the issues of ADHD that developed in childhood still persist in these adults, and parents are still trying to find a way to be supportive but not enabling, as the adult child struggles with relationships, organization, work, money, alcohol, drugs, etc. At the same time parents worry about the future of their child, especially when they will no longer be here.


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Parents of Adults - Lutherville
Online Support Group for Women


Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 - 8:00 pm


​This is a Zoom Meeting


A biweekly Women's Empowerment Group


Living Life with ADHD can be very stressful and extremely overwhelming. In this group you will learn tools and strategies, including a brief practice of mindfulness, to help manage daily stress and overwhelm . Like most moms, I had always believed I should be able to manage my career, run a household, take care of the kids, keep food on hand, and so on.


  • But I couldn’t, and I felt ashamed and often times very alone.

  • My expectations were unrealistic.

  • This group offers support, motivation and inspiration from like-minded women sharing similar challenges. Each week we will discuss a different topic, followed by a guided meditation. This group is open to all!


Registration is free and now open. Email Jill Linkoff @


*Upon registration, a confirmation with be sent with a code and instructions on how to join our Zoom group. Please do not share your code; confidentiality and security are our greatest priority.


About Jill Linkoff: I am a professionally trained and certified ADHD & Life Coach. I received my certification through IAAC (ACAC), and training by JST Coaching Training, a comprehensive ADHD coach training program accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). I received my PCC certification from the ICF, the governing body of the coaching profession.


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