Maryland Chapters
Serving Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Prince George's & Greater Baltimore
Support group and speaker meetings may meet in person or virtually. Please contact the meeting facilitator if you have any questions or concerns.
All meetings are open to the public.
When participating in the groups, this does not constitute a professional relationship with any professionals who run the groups. Additionally, please be advised that since the groups are not considered formal treatment of any kind, the Zoom meetings are not HIPPA compliant. Therefore, please be mindful of maintaining privacy as feasible.

Prince George's and Montgomery County Chapters
Parent Support Group - Prince George's County
Third Thursday of every month, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Meetings are currently held by Zoom. Please contact prince_georges@chadd.org for a link.
The PGC (Prince George's County) PSG meets monthly to provide parents with resources, information, coping strategies and a safe place to connect with other parents. Nested within our Howard University roots and CHADD family, we're encouraging other agencies and organizations within the National Capitol Region to come alongside with us in serving our community. Given the diverse challenges families endure with ADHD, we want to ensure your voices are heard and your needs are met.
For more information, please contact Naline Walker at prince_georges@chadd.org.
Adult Support Group - Montgomery Village
The first Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8:30 PM
Join to discuss living with ADHD and how it is easier when you have the resources you need and others to support you. We share information, strategies, and resources with each other as we learn more about Adult ADHD through speakers, videos and webinars followed by discussion and sharing in a supportive environment.
Facilitated by Rachel Wills, LPC. To register, please go here: https://www.meetup.com/adultadhd/
Conquer the Chaos! Adult Support Group - Silver Spring
The Fourth Thursday of the month, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. No meeting in July. The November meeting will be the 21st, due to Thanksgiving and December 19, due to Christmas.
​*These are currently virtual gatherings using free a teleconferencing service. Contact Sara Wiggins for instructions on how to participate. Sara@PriOrganizeIt.com or 301-233-3414
The Nora School
955 Sligo Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Living with ADHD is easier when you’re organized!
Get strategies and solutions to conquer the chaos
• In your home
• In your work
• In your life
Get the support you need to get organized and STAY organized!
This meeting follows MCPS school closures for inclement weather. Emergency information is available at: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/emergency/
sara <at> PriOrganizeIt.com, MBA, CPO ®
Professional Organizer