Maryland Chapters
Serving Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Prince George's & Greater Baltimore
Support group and speaker meetings may meet in person or virtually. Please contact the meeting facilitator if you have any questions or concerns.
The Maryland Chapters of CHADD offer support through a variety of events.
Take a look below at just some of the events we offer. Look through the county most appropriate for you to find your local meetings. Please check our calendar to see all our upcoming events. If you have a suggestion for a particular event, please use the contact link to let us know.

Speaker Meetings


Support Groups

Parent/Caregiver Support
CHADD's Maryland Chapters holds monthly support group meetings for adults, parents/caregivers, and spouses/significant others. Some meeting topics include:
Organizational Strategies
Time Management
Workplace Support/Discussion
Parent Support Groups:
Adult Support Groups:
Online Women's Support Group:
Spouse/Significant Other Support Group:
Parents of Adults with ADHD Support Group:
Organization Support Group:
For parents of younger children with ADHD, in addition to support group meetings, we bring other important local events to your attention including public school Special Education Citizen Advisory Committee (SECAC) meetings. For parents of adult children, we provide a sounding board for children who are still struggling into adulthood.
Meetings include help on topics including:
Impacts of ADHD on Classroom Performance
Monitoring Behaviors
Planning and Organization
Money, risk, and relationship management
Click the following for more information about:
Greater Baltimore
This group runs presentations along with a parent support group.​​
CHADD trains volunteers and ADHD service providers to offer Parent To Parent, Adult to Adult, and Teacher to Teacher training on ADHD programs.
Parents love this program and tell us it dramatically alters their relationship with their child who has ADHD.
Click here for more information about Parent to Parent training.
Click here for information about Adult to Adult training.
Clcik here for information about Teacher to Teacher training.
Here is an introductory video from CHADD's YouTube page